Friday, April 18, 2014

can't teach, only inspire

April 12th i flew to new york to take a private cutting class with Laara Rayneir. She started master cutter academy in 2012. originally from London, she assisted under Roger Thompson of Barney's . in the 60's he invented precision haircutting, later working as the art director of Vidal Sassoon in London. so all of this information sounded terrific, and convincing. i paid my $300 for a 2 hour class to learn a long layer haircut, and her signature 5 day blow dry. upon arrival to the Damien West Salon in New york i met my model whom she found on a site i wish we had in Georgia!!! I'm taking this class to perfect my skills. i know blow drying is my least favorite part of my job, and in sloppy with it,, the quality of my blowouts are average. I'm ready to step it up to extraordinary, perfect.  the long layer haircut was another area where i was ready to be inspired i felt like i always did the same angles in my layering and that i could be doing better.  well the session started with critiquing my consultation skills. that's always a blow to the ego when someone corrects you on something you feel you've mastered. after my ego recovered i realized she was right, i was in the habit of asking my clients what THEY wanted, or what they thought they needed done. she pointed out they are in your chair because they don't know what they need, it's my job as the professional to suggest, and ultimately decided whats best for them. on a side note once i was back at work it became suddenly awkward for me because i had to break the habit, it's not easy to be so authoritative when both you and the client are used to the consultation being conversation about what we mutually think should happen, that will take work to perfect on my part. I know when i am able to have consultations with ideal suggestions, explaining to the client what they need that they don't realize, that it will be best for both of us! 

the haircut. this was a disappointment. she taught me how to cut hair with absolutely zero elevation, using tension with the comb directly against the clients back. starting and completely finishing the right side, then working to the left. the layering was exactly the technique i use already, so that reaffirms I'm doing it the right way!! when it came to the blow drying this took up the Marjory of the time. she really concentrates on clean sectioning and the A, B, C part of each. i did learn a lot during this part, and have used the technique on several clients who have been amazed at how beautiful their hair looked without using any hot tools other than my brush and dryer. if anything i feel like the class perfected my skills at finishing my styles. 

the 2 hours wasn't a waste. i did leave slightly disappointed, but after reflecting on it i realized even the tiniest thing can influence and inspire. it was helped me become even better, a notch higher. and i was able to enjoy a weekend in new york with my hubby!! we followed up the class at a cute bistro called Pounds & Ounces where we drank endless mimosa's, then went shopping in SoHo. i say perfection.