Monday, January 6, 2014

the end of the year summary for SalonDuo

The end of our first calender year is wrapping up so reflection is in order. People ask me constantly
"Is running a business as hard or as rewarding as you thought it would be?"

The first few months my response came out instantly as "It's easier than I thought it would be!! Things are going so smoothly!!"  This would be the complete truth if I was going to continue to be content with average, or breaking even in the numbers.... but I'm not. SalonDuo is not. We want to make a bigger impact in our town , make a difference, challenge ourselves with new techniques and opportunities, ultimately fulfilling the great opportunity we have to make people feel their best. We want to be experts in our industry...and that is where my answer of, "Yes, its 10x more than I anticipated!!" originates.

What makes it more of a responsibility than I expected? Other than coming to work and standing behind the chair and fulfilling my clients needs??  It's the fact that I am a leader of 7 other stylist. 7 individuals that have chosen to trust me and my skills to run and operate a successful business for them to build and grow their clientele in. Some more experienced than others but all equally dependent on me fulfilling my goals of providing an upscale, luxury experience not only for my guests but for their's as well.

Then there is the responsibility to help them mature and expand on their creative talents. To show them, lead them, provide materials and opportunities for my staff to reach their full potential, so that SalonDuo can reach it's full potential.

We are only one years old, but already making a dent, and impact in our community.  Augusta has never seen the culture, experience, and team of stylist that we are forming.  SalonDuo isn't settling for breaking even, we are putting systems in place to be something that no other salon in this area is. We are an actual team, working together towards a common goal. Each one pulling equal weight and putting forth 100%.

This reflection puts a smile on my face that we've come this far, but also feeds a sense of urgency I have to be where I want to be instantly...and that wont happen. It has to organically evolve, and that's my role, to put the team on the right track and to nurture, and invest in the dream my business partner and I share for SalonDuo.
I feel so blessed with the clients that choose to come and support SalonDuo. We value each and every time you are with us. cheers to great things to come!! 
Cheers to not being content with the status quo.